In the human body there is the immune system of the body that the body can fight off the attacks of various diseases, aging, and also prevent cancer. The immune system does have a function to banish all potential health disorders of the body in any form, either from inside or outside the body. Threat to the body can happen at any time. Even from the everyday conditions may sound trivial. For example when the stress, the brain will secrete cortisol which consequently can suppress the immune system. So the germs that are supposed to be destroyed even be spread.
In addition to stress, there are many other conditions that can suppress the immune system works, including the weather, disease outbreaks, patterns of life, diet, polluted environments, or when you're suffering from a specific disease. Therefore, we need to strengthen the immune system, one that is by using herbs can we temukand isekitar us.

Without we realize many of the spices that we often use as a complementary food or drink which has a great benefits to health, including to keep the immune system of the body. Here are some types of herbs that can help increase the body's immunity:
- Ginger
According to experts, Ginger is one of potent herbs to ward off inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of heart disease, reduces the risk of blood clotting and to control cholesterol level. It makes the plants this one is effective to increase the seasonings of the immune system of the body.
- Pegagan (Centella Asiatica)
This herbal plant was able to increase the immunity of the body. Triterpenoida Glycoside compounds and some of the vast gardens proved to be beneficial to the body's endurance and memory. Pegagan can also help balance the energy level and decrease the symptoms of stress and depression.
- Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the plants that can produce a yellow color and usually serve as natural dyes in foods. However, in addition, turmeric contains Curcumin which is one of the substances antioksdan, antibakterian, and antiiflamasi are good for warding off all symptoms of health problems. Turmeric can also help the work function of the heart as well as make the digestive system becomes healthier.
- Echinacea
Echinacea can help improve cell antiseptic that can make the body against various diseases. Echinacea is also commonly called coneflower is indeed not a native plants from Indonesia, but his ability to boost the immune system of the body is very good and efekif.
- Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness)
Sambiloto contain andrographolide and panicolinn which helps increase the durability of the body. Sambiloti is believed to be capable of stemming the HIV/AIDS virus. Thus, in the United States, the sambiloti have been patented as a cure of the disease AIDS.
- Oregano
If you are one of the fan of food from Italy, of course you are not familiar with herbs on this one. Oregano is one of the types of herbs that can fight bacteria, fungi, or viruses that may trigger the onset of the disease. Researchers reveal that leaf oregano can eradicate the bad bacteria in the intestines, treat ulcers, and prevent food poisoning. This plant also has a lot of content that contribute to health.
That's a few herbs that can increase the immunity of the human body. The immune system of the body that are awake can protect the body from the attacks of various kinds of diseases danmembantu maintain body condition remain healthy.